Work has taken a turn where it’s much busier, so I haven’t had as much to update for the web. There have been cool things occurring with painting miniatures. First off, I completed a large commission project for a friend. He had a lot of Zombicide figures for me to paint. Not the normal zombies, but instead the survivors and their zombie-version counterparts. (The game uses the term ‘zombivor’, which I detest). My buddy was in on the Kickstarter, so he acquired a large number of promo minis that you can’t normally buy.
I took photos of them all, but sadly this was before I learned how to best use my camera for macro shots. Thanks again to another friend, Gardner, who showed me the way. Here is a closeup of one of the paired minis that I enjoyed the most. It’s blurry, but there are good amounts of freehand for the tattoos.
I have learned to take better photos now, and I’d like to think my paints keep improving. This is an older paint job, Seamus from the Malifaux line. We took the photos recently as practice. I really like the look of the figure. They’ve recently released new sculpts of him for the 2nd edition of Malifaux, as well as a larger hulked-out version. I think I’ll get one of them to see if I can match the colors.
My most recent work has been for the Circle of Oroboros for Hordes. I acquired a good amount of them with the Hordes starter set. One of the others was Morvahna, the Autumn Blade. Her normal paint scheme was the typical greens and golds of Circle, but I wanted to use the seasonal colors of her namesake.
Plenty more to come. Some units of werewolves and cyberzombies. Plus, some finished pics of the primed minis from my previous post. Also, I’m going to work on a new design to showcase my miniatures AND my web design talents.
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