Time and competing hobbies conspire against me, but I intend to spend at least a few hours painting minis this weekend. To help motivate me, I’m posting a few “before” pics of the minis I’ll be working with. That way, if I haven’t touched the minis, then when I see these posts I’ll feel guilty and use that as a driving factor.
Both figures are from Privateer Press, in their Hordes/Warmachines lines. The undead with the axe is a Bane Thrall. Looks like I need to add some spikes to its shoulder. The troll on the right is a Trollblood Impaler from the boxed set.
I went through a wargaming phase where I acquired a lot of Privateer minis, playing their skirmish games. The games were fun for a while, but I never stick with competitive games for long. Fortunately I love the minis and could find a use for them if I return to any version of map and mini-enhanced Dungeons & Dragons.
Here’s a cool iron lich (Asphyxious) that I painted a few years ago.
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